Monday, August 10, 2009

Time Wasters

the internet generation of the new millennium is an amazing one. we waste time on stupid things like the 70's generation boogyed 'till they couldn't boogy no more. we don't just waste time, we have made it into an art form. seriously, if a different hobo was given a dollar for every hour that I have spent watching Mr. T and/or kitten related videos on youtube, there would be no homeless people in the world.

I have literally spent an hour of my life on David Hasselhoff's wikipedia page. I wasn't writing a report about him or anything. I was just there.

that's right, my generation isn't preaching free love and protesting a war in vietnam but we could tell you a lot of useless information about Gary Busey. did you know he was in Predator 2?

sure, there are some of us inventing things useful to society and curing life endangering diseases, but I think I speak for everyone else when I say to them... cut it out, you're making the rest of us look bad. if you keep doing useful things, me sitting on my ass all day googling random things that float into my hollow skull looks bad. keep the bar low and we won't have a problem.

I'm just kidding of course, but seriously if you do discover a cure for cancer don't expect me to watch the press conference announcement. I'm busy. watching the world's most ridiculous and maybe slightly disturbed couple dance down the aisle to a Chris Brown song (I'm guessing all of Ike Turner's songs just weren't catchy enough for them?).

anyway, I have to go watch this video of a baby laughing for the 17,000 time. so that's all for now.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


hair is a subject very near to my heart being the post-pubescent male that I am and having hair on nearly every part of my body (except my chest. damnit!)

too much hair can be a bad a thing. just look at sasquatch. he let his locks get a little out of control and now he's exiled from civilization. sure there are some perks to that. he gets to be naked and go to the bathroom wherever he wants, but we all do that sometimes. it's called being drunk. so really when it comes to hair, less is more.

I believe the term "hairy situation" was first used when someone got into a bad situation with the Italian mafia.

no one should ever get picked on because of their hair. hair does not make the man. just look at all the great men in history. none are remembered only because of their hair. you'll never hear someone say, "yeah, he freed the slaves blah blah blah, what's really important is how much armpit hair Abe Lincoln had". although if Lincoln had a mullet our pennies and one dollar bills would definitely be ruined. all freeing the slaves in the front, but all party in the back!

that's about all I have to say. enjoy picturing Abe Lincoln as a Nascar fan.