well this is my blog. i don't know how often i will post in this but i can't help but want a blog for some reason. i have had a few before but they turned into something i really didn't enjoy posting in. this one will hopefully be better written and much smarter than those other ones. but most importantly i will be more open and maybe more thoughtful.
i was just a stupid kid when i wrote those other ones, now i am a slightly less stupid kid writing this one.
i don't know if anyone will read this but i don't really care. it's therapeutic for me to write. it's also nice knowing there is a possibility my writing is read by someone, somewhere. if you do read this (my blog, not necessarily this post) please feel free to comment. good, bad, or indifferent, it is good to hear feedback.
oh, and if you do plan on commenting you might want to hurry, according to the countdown clock the end of the world is coming in 772 days. sure i pulled the date for the end of the world completely out of my ass, but you never know. maybe my ass is psychic.