Monday, November 1, 2010

The Night After Halloween

I woke up this morning. Orange juice and Kit Kats, The Breakfast of Champions. You know, I think my gorilla mask went over well around the neighborhood. I hope no one took it as a racial thing.

My parents turned their lights off, closed the curtains, and hid from trick or treaters again this year. I guess when it comes to trick or treat, my parents kind of made the choice for those kids in advance. They stopped giving out candy a long time ago. Sometime in between the beginning of the Iraq war and when people started to realize maybe we shouldn't have started the Iraq war. Good thing Mississippi is the fattest state in the country, those kids have got fat stored up, so they won't miss any of my parents' candy. Mississippi is also a leader in teen pregnancy. That's not really related to Halloween, I just like dropping that into conversations. You're welcome Mississippi *pervy wink*.

I didn't really watch any scary movies this Halloween, unless the Joy Behar Show counts.

Due to the recession I was only able to sacrifice two lambs this year. Thanks a lot Obama!

I bet I know what costume Christine O'Donnell did not wear this year.

That it is all for now. Goodnight.