Tuesday, January 26, 2010

New Blog

I just started a new blog to have all my fictional writing on it. http://ejfictional.blogspot.com/ . mixing in fictional work within this blog would not have felt right. this is where my thoughts are released, the other blog will be where my creativity is released.

there is nothing on it as I type this, but hopefully soon I will have something on there for you to read. until then, follow it or something...and get ready!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Things Happen

A lot has happened since my last blog post on here. I found a new love- books. sure I'd read them before but that was involuntarily at school. reading a book at my own pace; a book of my choosing, I found was a lot more fun. of course Christmas happened (I got deodorant again. Mom, Dad, I get it okay!?!) and also a new year began. for most people new year's day is when they contemplate their life and make decisions that will supposedly affect that life. I did no such thing. I went so far as to not even watch the ball drop. It was just another day to me. just another midnight.

However, recently I believe I have begun a sort of transformation of my own. My new found passion for books opened a new world to me and a new idea for a career. Since I was about 14 stand-up comedy was my dream and one I was fully prepared to go after. however now the idea of being a writer...of books, seemed like something I should at least consider. So I sat down one night and tried to think of ideas, plots, and characters for a book. to my surprise it was a lot of fun just sitting there orchestrating and thinking out this story. I kick myself for not having thought of this possible career path earlier and following the alarming trend among teenagers of viewing books as boring and uncool.

Stand-up comedy is still a love of mine, and could still be the career I end up pursuing but being a writer thrills me at the moment. The endless possibilities excite me. I could write anything. drama, thriller, horror, comedy, anything. I wasn't bound by what others found funny. Not having to stand up in front of a group of drunks and humiliate my self on a regular basis also sounds nice.

anyway, expect more posts here. I need practice writing and whether or not anyone reads this doesn't matter. I just need practice, practice, practice and this is where that will happen.